Wednesday, 14 December 2016

A Few From Work

I still take my camera to work every day just in case something turns up. I never get anything rare or unusual but here are some shots I have taken over the last few weeks.

Green Woodpecker looking for something to eat



Grey Wagtail

Who do you think you’re looking at?


Monday, 5 December 2016

Out & About

Here are a few shots taken over the last couple of weeks from various locations fairly close to home.

Reed Bunting











Stonechat (Female)



Stonechat and you can just make out the fly it is about to catch (but I missed that)

Sparrowhawk sitting on our neighbours roof

I know they should be shot but they are still photogenic



Saturday, 26 November 2016

Rainton Meadows

An afternoon trip to Rainton Meadows today to see the Mandarin Duck. They were always far too far away for anything but record shots but it was nice to see them. A Mediterranean Gull seen from the hide was at one point standing close to what looks like a Common Gull but I’m not sure on the ID of that one.

Male Mandarin Duck

Female Mandarin

Male & Female

Mediterranean Gull

Med on the left Common Gull on the right?

Seventeen Whooper Swans flew over here are a few of them

Friday, 18 November 2016


A Tweet from Alan (thedragonhunter) while I was sitting in Thornley Woods hide yesterday got me hot footing it to the club at Rowlands Gill where around 80 Waxwings he had found were periodically eating the berries from a Rowan tree. They were flighty; every time a car went past, they flew to what could be described as a perching tree. Then it was down again to the berries where a feeding frenzy took place. Redwings were also occasionally feeding in the same tree and even this made the Waxwing flighty. I only wish the light had been better.  Great to catch up with Alan again and we had a canny bit of crack.

Love the shapes they pull trying to get at the berries.
