Monday, 11 June 2018

Peregrine Falcon

Last week I had a trip to Yorkshire to see the Peregrines at well-known site. There were Wheatear and a Fox, which was a bit of a surprise, on the walk to the site. When I arrived, the chicks were showing well however during the eight hours I was there the male did not come to feed them. The female left the nest site on a couple of occasions and then only to sit in a tree. I saw the female feed one chick only and that was with leftovers. It only seemed to be interested in sunbathing. Strange behaviour from both parents I thought.

Wheatear with lunch for its young ones

Fox, which was trying to hide behind some grass

Peregrine about to land



One of the chicks

The first time it left the nest site it landed in a tree

Female feeding the chick leftovers

Both chicks together

Wing flapping

The dominant one

The second time it flew from the nest site it again landed in a tree

It was so hot it just lay in the sun and panted

One of the chicks begging for food

It did not take any notice and tried to shake the chick off

Then lay back down in the sun

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