Tuesday, 25 February 2025


 After dipping the Russian White-fronted Geese on a previous visit to Lamesley Water Meadows I decided to have another try so a few days ago I went down again and this time I was lucky. I did see them from the hide but not very well as the rain was lashing down and I had to keep the side window closed and beside that they were too far away for any decent images. When the rain cleared, I went to the Oak tree and managed to see them from there.

Russian White-fronted Goose.

I am assuming this strange looking Goose is a hybrid of a Greylag and a Canada Goose, any other suggestions would be welcome. 

An acrobatic Greylag Goose.

Not quite Hilda Ogden’s wall.


One of two Heron.

Canada Geese with the second Heron in the background.

As I said it was lashing down and this Sparrowhawk shot through and as it was so far away, I basically pointed my camera in the general direction of it never thinking I would get any images.

Male Teal.

A pair of Mallard.

A distant Kestrel on the ground presumably looking for worms.

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