Sunday 9 October 2022

Burdon Moor

 It has been a while since I have been to Burdon Moor but as the weather was canny yesterday, I thought I would go on a bug hunt. Here are a few of the bugs and other wildlife I found.

Common Green Shieldbug.

Hairy Shieldbug.

Gorse Shieldbug.

Another Gorse Shieldbug one of five in this part of the gorse bush.

A small Blue/Black Beetle.

7-spot Ladybird.

There were still a number of Common Darters around.

Eupeodes luniger Hoverfly.

A Wasp cleaning itself.

An Orb-weaver Spider.

I often wondered why flies blow bubbles but now I know they do it to cool down isn’t nature brilliant?


One of two Buzzards flying over the wood.

The second one.

Rook. I thought they were just black but when the light catches them, they are all sorts of colours.

This Gull intrigued me, I think it is a Herring Gull, but I am not sure.

I had the wrong setting on the camera when I took this shot of the Thrush, but it’s not too bad.

Not the best specimens of Toadstools you are likely to see but I thought I would take a couple of shots. 


  1. Nice selection Ron. We were planning to go there Saturday but had to postpone to Sunday when it was cold and windy, so didn't see much. The gull is a bit of a strange one but that's where my ID skills end I'm afraid.
