Sunday, 15 May 2016

Damselflies at work

I was lucky enough to get some shots this morning of a couple of Large Red Damselflies, which had just emerged. Three of the shots of the emerging Damselfly were taken in an end of an old steam boiler that has a habitat, which Damsels and Dragonflies seem to like.

Just emerged Large Red Damselfly

Emerging Large Red Damselfly

Spider checking out the Damselfly

Alan these three shots show the area where the pond is this is where I get most of my images of Butterflies, Damselflies and Dragonflies while at work.

Did a bit of a clean up today


  1. Great set of photos Ron, very interesting dragonfly pond that, not what I was expecting with those damsels emerging on the old boiler.

  2. There were quite a few Large Reds emerging in the same boiler today. In fact the shots that I have just uploaded were taken in the boiler.
