Sunday, 7 August 2016

Saltholme and A1

Thursday (4th) saw me looking for Essex Skipper down in Cleveland. There were a few small and large Skippers but no Essex so off I went to Saltholme. After a bacon bun and a mug of coffee, I was off to the wildlife watchpoint. Sedge and Reed Warbler put in an appearance as did a Hedgehog but the highlight was watching a couple of Water Vole swimming back and forth gathering Mare’s Tail. On the way back from Saltholme, I stopped at the A1 roundabout. Third time lucky there were at least three White-letter Hairstreak butterflies visiting the flowers along with numerous Bees.

Reed Warbler

Reed Warbler grabbing a bite to eat

Water Vole

Water Vole

Sedge Warbler (doing what comes naturally)

Sedge Warbler


Large Skipper

White-letter Hairstreak

White-letter Hairstreak with company

White-letter Hairstreak

White-letter Hairstreak another one with company

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