Friday, 11 August 2017

Hook Norton Part 2

A few more from our holiday in Hook Norton.

Record shots of Hobbies a heat haze (that’s what I’m blaming) blurred the shots.

Spotted Flycatcher


Reed Warbler

Heron enjoying the sun

Female Common Blue not White Legged as I first thought

Common Blue Damselfly

Brown Hawker this is the best I could do

I have never seen as many Gatekeeper butterflies they were every where

Brown Argus

Brown Argus

Common Blue




  1. Sorry to disappoint Ron, but your white-legged damselfly is no more than a female common blue, hope that doesn't spoil your memories of what looked like a decent trip. I sympathise with the weather, it just about wiped out any chances I had of getting anything decent in Scotland.

  2. No not disappointed I'll get one at some point (hopefully). I know what you mean about the weather we have not had a summer at all this year.
