Wednesday, 7 October 2020

More Shieldbugs

Here are a few more Shieldbugs from three different sites Tanfield Railway, Kibblesworth Brick Works and Twizell Woods.

I think (I hope) this is my first Parent Bug

Hawthorn Shieldbug

Common Green Shieldbug

A couple of final instar Common Green Shieldbugs

The one above and the next few are, I think, also final instar Common Green Shieldbugs

4th instar Common Green Shieldbug


  1. Nice one with the Parent Bug Ron, lovely shots an'all. Up to last year there were only 3 official records of this species in Co. Durham, I've had 3 meself this year on Fellside and Swalwell, was that one at Tanfield? and do you put your records on irecord? If not I'll add it with mine when I get round to it (and credit you of course). Cheers.

  2. Hi Alan. The Parent Bug was at Twizell Woods yesterday and no I don’t put my records on irecord but if you could put it on that would be great. I will have to have a look at irecords.

  3. Excellent, will do. It's worth setting up an account on irecord, once you learn how to negotiate the different features you can target species and find the places they've been seen. I use it quite often to find out what's about and where. Helps when we're looking for new butterflies for the boy to see or planning a day out. Cheers.

  4. After your comments about collections you need a word with my granddaughter! She has an interest in photography and wildlife and has acquired her mother's old coin collection from the 1980's. She has a big bag of duplicates and I'm sure would swap them to reinvigorate your interest!
    Many thanks for the great photographs.

  5. Hi anonymous I hope your granddaughter keeps up her interest in photography it’s a great hobby to have as for the coins unfortunately all my duplicates went years ago.

  6. Cheers Alan I will have a look at irecord and see what its all about.

  7. She shows every sign of maintaining her interests (all of them). Yet to properly discover boys though so who knows the future?
    All the best
