Saturday, 15 March 2025

Killingworth Lake

 A drive to Killingworth to hopefully see the Great Crested Grebes doing a courtship “weed” dance. There were quite a few pairs on the lake but unfortunately, we didn’t see the “weed” dance however, we did see them displaying and nest building. Other birds of note were Goldeneye and Pochard.

Great Crested Grebe.

As I said there were a few different pairs, these two were displaying.

I thought I was going to be in luck and see the “weed” dance but the weeds were dropped before the display.

And these are a different pair.

Nest building.



Coots having a battle. Two on to one hardly seems fair.


Mute Swans taking off.

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Clara Vale

 Sitting in the hide for five hours with some cracking light outside and the Kingfisher didn’t show (am I daft or what). Here’s what did. Oh, and a couple of days later I did a walk around our village.

Long-tailed Tit.

Great Spotted Woodpecker.



Reed Bunting.

Redwing from a walk around the village.

These Roe Deer had their eye on something.

And whatever it was they didn’t take their eyes off it even when I changed position.

They eventually stood up, one of them had a bit of a clean

And after I had got this shot, they moved off.

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Short-eared Owls

 More images of a couple of Short-eared Owls in County Durham from just over a week ago. I was trying out some different settings for these shots, I don’t think I will try them again.