Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Arnside Knott Cumbria

Yesterday I went to Arnside Knott in Cumbria looking for butterflies. There were very few about however I did get another first for me in the form of a Brimstone. Other butterflies seen were Red Admiral, Small Heath and Large White but I did not get any shots of these. One I did manage to get a shot of was a Speckled Wood, which looked worse for wear.
While getting the shots of the Brimstone a large Dragonfly flew past and then landed near by enabling me to get a couple of shots (Alan what is it?). I also accidentally disturbed a couple of Roe Deer fawns that were hiding in the grass; they ran off briefly stopping to look back. I had a macro lens with me at the time so I only got distant shots.
At least half a dozen Spotted Flycatcher were flying about, they were always distant but I did get some not very good shots.
Grasshoppers were hopping all over the grass, as they do, and one stayed still long enough for me to get a shot.


Coming in to land



Speckled Wood


Roe Deer Fawn

Roe Deer Fawn

Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher




  1. You have more confidence in my ID skills than I do Ron :-) but your dragonfly is a female Migrant Hawker, a species which (as your picture shows) will perch horizontally as well as vertically.

  2. Cheers Alan I knew you would come up trumps.
