Saturday, 30 January 2016

Low Barns

A few shots from a very windy trip to Low Barns yesterday.

Great-spotted Woodpecker

Blue Tit



Long-tailed Tit




Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Rainbow & Records

Some shots taken at work today. The rainbow shots were taken using my mobile phone the others are record shots of one of three Roe Deer and a Green Woodpecker. I’m hoping for better shots of the GW sometime this year.

Using the panorama setting

Record shot of Roe Deer

How is it that when I see a Green Woodpecker it is either around the other side of a tree or obscured by twigs.


Monday, 25 January 2016

No SEO’s today

At least not while I was there this afternoon. A Kestrel was there but a couple of Magpies were harassing it while it was trying to hunt.
Kestrel with lunch


Saturday, 23 January 2016

Clara Vale

Spent a couple of hours at Clara Vale this morning here are some of the images I took.

Great-spotted Woodpecker



Long-tailed Tit




One of two Heron that dropped in just before I left

2nd one


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Had to go back….

….today and check on the SEO’s. Happily, both were o.k. The only trouble today was the light was rubbish so had to up the ISO to get anything decent but the shots are still not as sharp as I would have liked but at least the owl’s are o.k.

A rubbish shot of both owls together


Tuesday, 19 January 2016

SEO again

Out this morning while the sun shone, at least it did at the second place I visited. One of the two SEO I managed to get shots of has what looks like a damaged wing. It sat on a fence post for ages after I took these pictures then dropped down into the grass a couple of yards from the fence and it did not appear again while I was there. I just hope it is o.k.

Grey Wagtail


These Magpies looked as though they were taking insects of this Belted Galloway’s back.

Meadow Pipit

SEO with damaged wing.