Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Duke of Burgundy

Saturday saw my wife and me down in Yorkshire for the Duke of Burgundy butterfly. Thanks to Ron H for all the information, we probably could not have done it without it. It was sunny when we arrived but as we approached the area where the butterflies were it clouded over a little. We found one hunkered down in the grass but the sun came out briefly and a few took to the wing. In total, we saw around six and I managed to fire off a few shots but none with the background I had hoped for, still you cannot have everything.

Duke of Burgundy

Green Hairstreak found on the way to the site of the DoB

I don’t know who was more surprised the Hare or me. Both rubbish shots but I like the way all four legs are tucked up as it sped away.

Red Grouse seen on the way down from the site.

Called into Sutton Bank on the way home in the hope of seeing the Turtle Doves but no luck. I did however get this Thrush singing away in the middle of all the flies.

The Dingy Skippers are out at work


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