Monday, 29 July 2019

“Here be Dragons”

No, I haven’t had a trip to the edge of the known world it’s just another one to Kibblesworth Brick Ponds. There was at least three male Emperor Dragonfly but I saw only one female. Male Black-tailed Skimmer were patrolling and I managed to get a couple of images of a female laying eggs. Common Darter were out in good numbers and there were a few Four-spotted Chasers.

Female Black-tailed Skimmer laying eggs

Male Black-tailed Skimmer

A mating pair of Black-tailed Skimmer. Not the best of images but as soon as I moved to get a better angle they flew off.

Emperor Dragonfly

Another Emperor

Four-spotted Chaser

Male Common Darter

Female Common Darter

Emerald Damselfly

Azure Damselfly having a poo


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