Friday, 22 May 2020

Another drive to…

…the Durham Dales the other day to try to photograph Cuckoos but with no luck although I did see at least three. Here are some of the things I did manage to photograph. I have also gone over to the “dark side” and bought a moth trap. I had it in the garden three nights in a row with no luck but on the fourth night I got five moths here’s hoping for a few more in the coming months and years. The hardest part about catching moths is trying to photograph and identify them so if I have any names wrong please don’t hesitate to correct me.



Red Grouse chick

Lapwing chick

A hiding Hare

Small Angle Shades

Dark Arches or Dusky Brocade

Pale Tussock

Scalloped Hazel

Common Wainscot I think


  1. Good on yer Ron, Moth trapping becomes addictive, it's like opening a mystery present every morning, (though can be disappointing) but then can't wait for the next one. We've had some corkers the last few nights its been out including elephant hawkmoth, but can't upload photos as my laptop is on the blink. Be interesting to see what you get.

  2. Cheers Alan your right it could be addictive I can’t wait to put it out in the garden again. Now that I have got the electrics I’m even thinking about making a portable one so if we ever get away on holiday again I can see what is around. I’m looking forward to getting some good moths in the near future.

    1. We got a collapsible trap for that very purpose, hoping to take it to the Cotswolds later in the year, fingers (everything) crossed on that. I'd plump for a brocade on that moth you're not sure about but I'm new to this myself, still got a few in the unidentified file for later. Cheers, look forward to see what you get.
