Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Cragside Dragonflies

The main reason that my wife and I (mainly me) visit Cragside every year is to see the Dragonflies. It is one of the best places to see Black Darter which when we were there were out in good numbers. A few Common and Southern Hawkers were also on the wing patrolling their patch and chasing anything that came too close however, because they very rarely stay still it’s always a challenge to try and get them in flight.

Mating Black Darters were everywhere

Male Black Darter

Male Black Darter in flight

Female Black Darter

Common Hawker in flight

I just like the light on this Common Hawker.

Common Hawker coming in to land

When it did, it looked as though it was laying eggs

And pulling shapes

This Common Hawker stopped long to get a picture

Southern Hawker in flight

Again I just liked the light on this Southern Hawker

Southern Hawker on bracken

A Toad. I haven’t seen one for ages.

I looked everywhere for Shield Bugs and this is the only one I found.


  1. Lovely set of photos Ron. Looks like you had better luck with the weather than we did a couple of weeks back, but its always worth a visit, a unique setting. And you saw one more Shieldbug than we did.

  2. Cheers Alan. It’s a cracking place which always comes up with the goods. By the way if I could add your blog to my post I would. The only problem is I haven’t a clue how to use the new blog setup as you can see from my latest blog.
