Wednesday 11 September 2024

Scotland part five

 My penultimate Scottish Blog. We had a short walk by the River Garry on our last full day in Scotland, it was partially sunny with a breeze which made for a pleasant walk and I’m pleased to say there was plenty to photograph. I have split the Blog into two because as always, I have far too many images.

Plant Bug of the Miridae family possibly Lygus pratensis. There were a few of these bugs around one particular patch of clover but not on other patches.

Nymph of Lygus pratensis.

Leaf Beetle.

Meliscaeva cinctella Hoverfly.


Juvenile Grey Wagtail.

Grey Wagtail.

Spotted Flycatcher.

This Harvestman was busy sitting in the garden when we got back to the cottage.

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