Monday 27 May 2024

Burdon Moor

 A walk around Burdon Moor at the beginning of the month looking mainly for insects (but anything really) got me some canny images of both insect life and bird life.

Common Carder Bee flying to an apple blossom flower

Then looking to be having a rest and a clean inside the flower.

Nomad Bee covered in pollen.

Nomad Bee not covered in pollen.

Hoverfly Helophilus pendulus.


7-spot Ladybird.

Mining Bee also covered in pollen.

Hovering Hoverfly.

To me the yellow and white bands suggest that this could be a Gypsy cuckoo bumblebee but I’m not sure.

Orange-tip Butterfly.

Green-veined White Butterfly.

Peacock Butterfly.

Common Greenbottle (Blowfly)

Male Stonechat.

Having a good old scratch.

Female Stonechat.

Willow Warbler.


Reed Bunting.

A distant Buzzard.

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