Sunday 19 May 2024


 I’m still way behind but here are a few of the birds I saw from a fairly recent visit to Lamesley.

I don’t know why but I wouldn’t normally bother with Woodpigeons but these kept me entertained for ages.

If this male is trying to get her attention he’s about as subtle as a brick.

I think this is my favourite image of the day I just love the way the Woodpigeon is trying to keep its balance while trying to land on the fence and failing miserably.

Male Linnet.

Female Linnet.


Greylag Goose. Its wing looks a bit tatty.

A couple of Greylags.

Pheasant landing.

This Crow is having a meal of something.

These goslings will probably be geese by now 😊


One of two Chiffchaffs.

The second.

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