Monday 12 August 2024

BVNR part two

 I said in part one that I didn’t see many dragonflies at BVNR, here are some I did see however a couple of these were well away from the pond, they were on the path from the carpark. If I have the identification wrong on anything please correct me.

A Common Darter which did the decent thing and posed for me on different bits of grass.

Common Hawker too high in the trees to get a decent shot.

Common Darter with a damaged wing.

This one looks to be pristine.

Male Common Darter.

This male looks to be saying “who are you looking at.”

Male Common Darter in flight.

Emperor Dragonfly. These never seem to stop; I got these images as it flew past me.

Blue-tailed Damselfly.

A pair of Blue-tailed Damselfly.

3rd? instar Common Green Shieldbug.

4th? instar Common Green Shieldbug.

Harlequin Ladybird.

Another Harlequin.

Harlequin Ladybird pupa.

Ladybird larva.

Alder Leaf Beetle.

Another Alder Leaf Beetle.

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