Monday 16 September 2024

A local walk…

 …up to the whinnies last month produced some canny insects. Please feel free to correct me if, once again, I have any of the identification wrong.

Mid Instar Bronze Shieldbug. I saw it to late just as it was heading back into the bush.

3rd Instar Common Green Shieldbug.

Another 3rd Instar Common Green Shieldbug.

4th Instar Common Green Shieldbug.

Yellow-bodied Black Fungus Gnat.

The remains of a Common Sexton Beetle.

Soldier Beetle.

Plant Bug?

Silver Y Moth.

Shaded Broad-bar Moth.


Mid Instar Hawthorn Shieldbug. This was found at Tanfield Marsh Wildlife Reserve to which I will not be back for a while, the reason, I have never seen as much dog crap as I saw here. You only had to walk a couple of yards and there was another pile. Some was left in bags, WHY, one bag was only about ten yards from a bin AGAIN WHY. It’s a shame as it has the potential to be a canny site for wildlife.

Also found at the Marsh were these Spined Shieldbugs.

I disturbed this Scalloped Oak Moth when I was mowing the lawn.

Found by our neighbours a Buff-tip Moth Caterpillar.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Back to being behind

 And I start with Rainton Meadows last month.

Great White Egret.

It struck

Caught a fish

And ate it.

It stood for a while 


Then gave its self a shake.


The back end of the Bittern that was at Rainton Meadows for a while (this unfortunately was the best I got).

Four-spotted Chaser.

Common Darter.

A rubbish shot of a Brown Hawker but this was the best I got.

I was looking for the Small Red-eyed Damselfly but didn’t see any so here is a Blue-tailed Damselfly.

Common Blue Damselfly. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Scotland part six

 The final part of our Scottish Holiday and part two of our River Garry walk. To our left was was the river and on our right were fields where dozens of Swallows, House and Sand Martins were hawking for insects. I stood for ages trying to get some images much to my wife’s dismay (she doesn’t really complain that much). They were so quick flying across the fields and trying to pick out one bird against the grass and trees was difficult however I did manage to capture a few images.

House Martin.


Sand Martin.