Friday 14 June 2024

Hook Norton day one part three

 Still at Otmoor and around the cottage. Once again, any help with identification would be most welcome.

Male Azure Damselfly.

Female Azure Damselfly.

Nurseryweb Spider with its egg-sac.

Possibly Tetragnatha or Long-jawed orbweb spider.

Two possible Long-jawed orbweb spiders.

Female Common Scorpionfly.

Male Common Scorpionfly.

? Robberfly.

Carder Bee. I love the way the Ant looks as though it is telling the Bee to politely go away.

Hoverfly. A Bumblebee mimic?

Great Pied Hoverfly.

Hoverfly Leucozona lucorum.

Hoverfly Myathropa florea.

Four-spotted Cranefly?


Empis livida.


Flower Beetle.

Common Malachite Beetle.

Caterpillar of the Mottled Umber Moth.

Caterpillar of the Orchard Ermine Moth?

This was tiny and I haven’t got a clue as to what it is.

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