Wednesday 19 June 2024

Twizell Woods

 Back on home soil for the moment while I go through the rest of my holiday snaps. An early afternoon at Twizell Woods last month (I’m still way behind and still taking pictures so I may never catch up) produced some nice insects.

This Nomad Bee wasn’t at Twizell it was in our garden.

This was my first Large Red Damselfly of the year.

Hairy Shieldbug.

A Hoverfly Hovering possibly Melanostoma species.

A Bee Fly Hovering.

A small Hoverfly not sure which species.

Helophilus pendulus Hoverfly.

Click Beetle.

Cream-spot Ladybird.

The back end of what I think is an Eyed Ladybird.

 Small Yellow Underwing Moth.

The Caterpillar of a Sawfly.

Geometer Moth Caterpillar hanging by a thread.

Another small Hoverfly possibly Xylota species.

A Ground Beetle which was also in our garden.

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