Sunday, 30 June 2024

Holiday day six part two

 My final Blog from our holiday in the Cotswolds and this one is about some of the birds we saw while at RSPB Otmoor oh, and one from the cottage.

Someone said they had seen at least six Cuckoos at Otmoor this was one of them.

One of the first Blogs I did from Otmoor contained an image of a Red Kite carrying what looked like a white rat. I’m finishing with a similar image. Looking at the wings I think it’s the same Red Kite and  another white rat.

 A pair of Marsh Harrier teased me every time I was at Otmoor they were always too far away for any decent shots.

Heron skimming across one of the pond.

Then waiting to catch something.

Great Crested Grebe gliding past the reeds.

GCG coming in to land on the pond.

GCG about to take off.

Reed Warbler skulking about in the reeds.

Garden Warbler.

I was sitting in the cottage getting the images I had taken that day from the camera onto the laptop when I heard a commotion outside. At first, I took no notice but it went on so I decided to take o look. On the ground under a tree lay a dead Jackdaw but flying away was this Peregrine. I’m not entirely sure what happened but it looks like the Peregrine had had a go at the young Jackdaw in the nest and the parents were having a go at the Peregrine and that was the commotion I heard. It ended with one dead young Jackdaw and the Peregrine flying off with just a feather. That’s nature, raw in tooth and claw.

Saturday, 29 June 2024

Holidays day six part one

 The final day of our holidays and I have finally gone through all the images. As I said this was our final day and we spent it back at Otmoor where I was hoping to see some Dragonflies but the weather was against us most of the day and once again, I was disappointed. There was however somethings of interest.

Early instar Spiked Shieldbugs. (thanks AM).


Harlequin Ladybird.

Another Harlequin Ladybird.

A pair of Harlequin.

A pair of 14-spot Ladybirds.

Dock Bug. I have never seen as many.

Ruddy Darter the only Dragonfly we saw.

An unfortunate Damselfly has become a meal for a Spider.

Brimstone Butterfly.

Carrion Beetle a Black Snail Beetle. (thanks again AM)

Tabanus tergestinus Horse Fly (love the eyes).

Dark Bush Cricket nymph.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Holiday day five part two

 One of the reasons we went to the Cotswolds was to see Dragonflies and Damselflies we don’t see “up north.” One of the places I was hoping to see them was Radley Lakes the other was Orchard Lake. Unfortunately, I saw only one that we don’t see “up north”, a Downy Emerald, I was hoping for more but you never know there is always next time.

Downy Emerald a first for me.

Red-eyed Damselfly in tandem.

Male Red-eyed Damselfly.

A male taking a ride on a leaf.

A tandem pair with the female about to lay eggs.

Laying eggs.

A couple of male Red-eyed Damselflies.

Male Broad-bodied Chaser.

Female Broad-bodied Chaser.

Four-spotted Chaser.

Four-spotted Chaser hovering.

A tandem pair of Azure Damselflies.

An immature Common Blue Damselfly.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Holiday day five part one

The penultimate day of our holidays was, for me, spent like the rest of the holiday looking for anything interesting, wildlife wise, to take pictures of. Here are some of the things I found.

Holly Blue Butterfly.

Cinnabar Moth.

Bishop’s Mitre Shieldbug.

Volucella bombylans Hoverfly.

Harlequin Ladybird.

A pair of Alder Leaf Bugs.

Thick-legged Flower Beetle.

A pair of Click Beetles.

A Nettle Weevil.

Red-tailed Bumblebee.

Carder Bee.

Nettle Tap.

Possibly a Common Conopid.

Grey Wagtail with a beak full of insects.

Coot Chicks.

One of the parents feeding its chicks.

Pied Wagtail with a tasty morsel

But do you feel sorry for the Spider the Wagtail is about to catch or glad that the Wagtail is going to get something to eat.

Swallow sitting on the cottage roof.